South Carolina Tax-Free Weekend

August 4-6 2023

During the annual Tax Free Weekend (also known as the Sales Tax Holiday), a variety of purchases are exempt from the state’s 6% Sales Tax and any applicable local taxes. Tax-free items range from clothing, accessories, and shoes to school supplies, backpacks, and computers. As long as an item is eligible, it is tax-free whether purchased in-store or online.​​​​​

What’s tax-free?

School supplies, including: art supplies, binders, folders, paper and notebooks, books, book bags, calculators, glue, tape, scissors, staples and staplers, planners, uniforms, lunch boxes, writing utensils, musical instruments.

Computers and technology, including: computers, computer accessories, printers and printing supplies, computer software.

Clothing, including: pants, jeans, shirts, dresses, belts, hats, leotards, swimwear, sleepwear, socks, underwear, sweaters, suits, coats, gloves, scarves, shoes, rain boots, skates, aprons, uniforms and formal wear.

Can you shop online?

Remember that eligible items are still tax-free if you sho​p online!​ Check with your local retailer to see if they offer online shopping, delivery, or curbside pick-up.